High School Counselor Week
Weekly stories, facts, trends, and other information from around the country
October 14, 2021
Give every schoolkid a device: One kid urges help for others
New York Daily News – October 11, 2021
Universal broadband is great, but it will not help the 25% of low-income kids who lack a home computer. It won’t level the playing field for the high schooler typing his research paper on a cell phone or boost the chances for getting into college for the senior juggling homework with college applications during the few hours a week she can get onto a computer at the public library.
State leaders unmoved by college outrage over lax Covid rules
Politico – October 10, 2021
Thousands of students and educators are pleading with college, state and federal leaders for tighter Covid-19 safety measures in response to campus deaths, widespread outbreaks and growing fears of both, including mutiple chapters of the American Association of University Professors
Why white students are far more likely to graduate than Black students at public universities
NBC News – October 10, 2021
Remedial education, financial challenges and even just a jarring campus culture can stymie students.
The College Essay
Post – October 13, 2021
Counselors’ Corner with Patrick O’Connor Ph.D.
Finding the Money
Tribune News Service – October 13, 2021
College Admissions Strategies with Lee Bierer
As student violence surges, educators say mental health issues are ‘absolutely through the roof’ and draining teachers
Business Insider – October 9, 2021
Schools around the country are reporting an increase in student violence, some targeting teachers. Teachers’ union leaders also referenced the ‘devious lick’ challenge that led students to vandalize and steal school property, as well as the ‘slap a teacher’ challenge. Now, school counselors are sounding the alarm on what they believe to be a main driver behind the violence: student mental health.
California Among Top States with Bullying Problems
UKEN Report – October 11, 2021
School-based interventions may be most effective…Successful programs tend to share key features, including a whole school approach that focuses beyond students and include staff across the campus, such as teachers, coaches, bus drivers, nurses, counselors, and administrators, working together to change school culture to deter bullying. In addition…
Middle and High School Students Need Social-Emotional Learning, Too. Are They Getting It?
Education Week – October 12, 2021
In the secondary school years, students are grappling with some big questions: Who are they? How do they fit into the world? How do they form healthy relationships—in particular romantic ones? These questions grow to a crescendo in high school where students face another daunting query: What will they do with themselves once they graduate?

MyPanhandle.com (FL) – October 12, 2021
Students will now be able to sign up for small group counseling, with other students that are dealing with similar issues. Sessions will take place weekly during students’ elective period. Guidance counselor Kristy Robb joins us to discuss the expected positive impacts.
6 Ways to Help Your Teen Pick a College Program
The Good Men Project – October 8, 2021
The final decision should come from your teenager on what they would like to do, but you can greatly influence your child by arming yourself with some knowledge and wisdom. Here are six ways to help your teen choose the best college program.
8 Legal Documents Parents and College Students Should Sign
AVID Planning – October 11, 2021
Your child is getting ready to head to college. Between making sure they have their textbooks and everything needed to furnish their dorm, there are several legal documents that you should have in place. Many of these will be necessary should a medical or other emergency occur and you need to make decisions on behalf of your college student.
Why Your Undecided Student May be Drifting
College Parent Central – October 11, 2021
It may not make sense to expect our college students to know at the outset what they want to do with their lives, but we do. Being unsure about a major as you enter college is OK – it might even be the most appropriate response. What is not OK is to allow that uncertainty to become a drifting mentality
4 tips for choosing a good college – and getting accepted
The Conversation – October 8, 2021
With more than 2,800 four-year colleges and universities in the US, finding the one that is right for you can feel overwhelming. The task can be particularly hard for high school students who are the first in their families to attend college – commonly referred to as first-generation students.
What Students Might Not Believe about College Admissions
Challenge Success – September 25, 2021
Despite the prevalent messaging out there, your choice of college won’t determine your life. This is true, despite what you might hear from your peers, the media, parents, teachers, and even your own fears. Wherever you go, you’re going to…
You don’t need a bachelor’s degree to land a high-paying job
NPR – October 7, 2021
It’s common knowledge at this point that the more education you have, the more money you’ll make. But according to new research released on Thursday, there are also a lot of exceptions. The study found that in the years 2017 through 2019, on average, 16% of high school graduates, 23% of workers with some college and 28% of associate degree holders earned more money than half of all workers with a bachelor’s degree.
What to Bring to the SAT Test: Full List
College Reality Check – October 12, 2021
Taking the SAT is one of the most important moments in the life of a college-bound kid. Knowing that you have everything you will need can help make taking the SAT test a less stressful and terrifying challenge.
What College Board learned from one of the nation’s largest-ever online exam deployments
K-12 Dive – October 12, 2021
The nonprofit adapted during a year of disrupted learning to preserve opportunities for 1.8 million students who opted to complete AP exams online.
How to get college application fee waivers
Bankrate – October 8, 2021
Paying for college is already an expensive endeavor, and the application process alone can cost anywhere from $25 to $100 per school. Whether you’re planning to apply to many colleges or just a handful, the cost can add up. College application fee waivers are ways to avoid those application costs, and you may qualify if you have financial need.
What to do if your FAFSA is selected for verification
Business Insider – October 8, 2021
Don’t be scared if you find out that you need to verify information. It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong. If you made any errors on your FAFSA, just fix them before you send in your documentation. However, if the DOE determines you deliberately lied, you could face time in prison and/or a hefty fine, and you would have to repay any financial aid you recieved.
Why You Should Fill Out the FAFSA, Even If You Don’t Think It’s for You
Lifehacker – October 7, 2021
Every year, many high school grads leave money on the table by not filling out forms like the FAFSA. Maybe you think you don’t qualify for aid, or that it’s simply a waste of time. Here’s why it likely makes sense for you or the college-bound kid in your life to fill out the FAFSA—no matter what.
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After the FAFSA
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After the FAFSA
What students should do once they have submitted their FAFSA. Check FAFSA status, monitor if changes needed, and more next steps.
College rankings don’t tell the whole story behind a university
GW Hatchet (George Washington University) – October 11, 2021
Institutions seem to have the idea that academics are the absolute priority when people are looking into schools, and therefore perfect academics automatically make them the perfect fit. But students and administrators putting this weight on college rankings pulls them away from other positive and useful aspects of college life they could be focused on.
Teen Talk: College prep is a part of growing up
The Daily Star (NY) – October 11, 2021
Growing up is scary. I’m not sure how it couldn’t be scary unless of course, one has their life all planned out and is following a step-by-step plan for each and every day. This school year marks my time as a junior at Oneonta High. With that being said, it also starts the college visit and thinking seriously about the future time of my life.
Emergency Broadband Benefit
An FCC program to help families and households struggling to afford internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. Provides a discount of up to $50 per month towards broadband service for eligible households.
ASCA Toolkit: Virtual High School Counseling
American School Counselor Association
College Board Coronavirus Updates
College Board
AP Online Classes and Review Sessions
College Board on YouTube
U.S. DOE: COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) Information and Resources for Schools and School Personnel
U.S. Department of Education