About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Texas legislature taking on college costs MarketPlace.org - Feb 21, 2018 A panel of Texas lawmakers meets Wednesday to take a look at how the state funds higher education each year. Legislatures across the country - who all face rising costs of higher ed and are trying to contain tuition hikes - will be watching for portable solutions that might work in other states.....
College Debt, Without the Degree The Atlantic - Feb 12, 2018 Alduha Leon wanted to earn a degree in marine science from Savannah State University. But between classes during the day, and night shifts at the Atlanta airport loading luggage onto planes, he was exhausted. He felt broke all the time. After three years, he dropped out....
How to spot a predatory for-profit college MarketWatch - Feb 15, 2018 Just because a school has “university” in its name doesn’t mean you’ll get a quality education. To avoid unscrupulous colleges, you’ll need to look beyond ads.. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Six years is the new four, students sadly find out MyCentralJersey - Feb 20, 2018 “What is your four-year graduation rate?” This may be one of the most important questions that college-bound students and their parents can ask when considering a potential college. ..
College Admissions Advice: What to do if Deferred or Denied Mint Hill Times - Feb 21, 2018 Right now, the anticipation has set in for high school seniors all over the country. Students are diligently checking their emails with high hopes for a college acceptance letter, it will be their golden ticket. Everything is done,. ..
3 Social Media Tips for Your College-Bound Teen Comstock Magazine - Feb 15, 2018 Did you know that teens spend an average of nine hours a day using media outlets? As an educational consultant and college admissions coach, it’s fascinating to watch this trend play out. In an hour-long consulting session, my students check their phones ..
Don’t Make This Common College Application Mistake! TeenLife Blog - Feb 15, 2018 What is the single biggest mistake you can make on your college application? Submitting a narrative as your essay response to the prompt. You might as well just include the wrong school name while you are at it... ..
How to Write the Personal Statement for College Applications Lifehacker - Feb 16, 2018 If you’re seeing your high schooler through the college application process for the first time, you’ll probably find that few aspects of the process fill them with as much dread as penning the personal statement.. ..
College Admissions: Telling Your Story through Writing VOA - Feb 17, 2018 The application process to almost every college and university in the United States has several parts to it.
Each part tells admissions officials at the schools something different about an applicant.. ..
Why Freshmen and Sophomores Should Visit College Campuses TeenLive Blog - Feb 20, 2018 Students and their families usually begin visiting colleges in the spring of junior year of high school. But should families start sooner? What are the benefits of making preliminary college visits during freshman or sophomore years of high school? ..
4 Ways to Tour a College Without Stepping Foot on Campus Her Campus - Feb 17, 2018 As you prepare for one of the most important choices of your life, there are many ways you can make a well-prepared decision. Selecting the right college involves many nights of pros and cons lists, overseeing tuition costs and trying on school colors to see which ones you like best... ..
Students with Disabilities
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 22, 2018 Scheduling Season—A Time for Quality Counseling The last of the schedule changes for this year is in the rear-view mirror, just in time for school counselors to embrace yet another task that isn’t exactly counseling—scheduling for next year. .. More
How To Talk With Kids About Terrible Things NPR.org - Feb 18, 2018 For the more than 3,000 students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Wednesday's mass shooting was terrifying and life-changing. But what of the tens of millions of other children, in schools across the country...
Get Tips for Parents Borrowing Loans for College US News - Feb 15, 2018 For most families, paying for college involves a combination of savings, income, financial aid and – in some instances – loans. After students hit the federal borrowing limit, parents oftentimes have to consider whether to take out loans to help finance their children's college education....
Practice IB Exam Skills With These 3 Everyday Activities US News - Feb 19, 2018 The International Baccalaureate exams assess three advanced academic skills: the abilities to analyze and present information; evaluate and construct arguments; and solve problems creatively. These exams also assess the retention of knowledge.....
5 Things You Need to Know About Free College Aid Forbes - Feb 21, 2018 For families with high school seniors, this is college crunch time, albeit one with a double whammy: Seeing which schools are sending acceptance letters and which ones pony up real financial aid (not loans)....
6 Things Every High Schooler Needs to Know About Student Loans Student Loan Hero - Feb 12, 2018 For most of high school, you’re just worried about passing your classes. But preparing for college can add even more stress - especially when teachers and school counselors don’t educate you about the true cost of college, including student loans....
Career and Technical Education
Ask Brianna: Is 4-year college right for you? The Associated Press - Feb 20, 2018 Americans want to believe that we all have the chance to explore our individual brands of limitless potential. We tell young people, “Do what you love and the money will follow.” ....
Shadowing a professional promotes career awareness MyCentralJersey - Feb 15, 2018 A pilot project launched at Immaculata High School - the Career Shadowing Program - provides its seniors with an ideal opportunity to experience their intended career first-hand by being immersed in the work environment....
Private College Applications Rise Despite Cuomo Tuition Plan New York Times - Feb 16, 2018 When Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced the Excelsior scholarship program offering free tuition to New York’s public colleges and universities last year, many of New York’s private colleges worried that they would lose prospective students.. ..
Student Athletes
College athletic recruitment 101 Tribune News Service - Feb 19, 2018 Hey Hollywood, how about a new television show called “So You Think You Can Be A Professional Athlete?” The stats aren’t encouraging.......
Five ways parents should help with recruiting USA Today HSS - Feb 20, 2018 Parents often take on many roles in the recruiting process. Some become their child’s sport agent, while others act more like a personal assistant, sending emails on behalf of their athlete....
Recruiting Tip: How to pick the right college USA Today HSS - Feb 19, 2018 There are many things to consider in deciding on a college. Each of us has unique needs and values, and what’s important to you may not matter to someone else. So, what’s important to you?.....

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